When you have a client who asks for a lender referral, what goes through your mind? If you are like most other realtors, you want a lender who communicates well (both before and during the process), who is responsive to your clients’ (and your) needs, who is accessible when you need them, who can provide expert advice along the way, and who feels a sense of ‘shared ownership’ for closing on-time and without drama. Ensuring your clients have a great experience is clearly at the top of our list (and yours too), but we all know that buyers are also concerned about interest rates -- and want to be sure they are getting a ‘Good Deal’ from their lender. But what does that actually mean? This month’s “Timely Topic” provides a little additional insight into how Discount Points and Lender Credits work… because getting a ‘Great’ rate doesn’t necessarily equate to a ‘Good Deal’ if you are paying too much for it.

Published February 12, 2024

3773 E Cherry Creek North Drive

Suite 690

Denver, CO  80209


 Fair Housing - Equal Opportunity   Nationwide Multistate Licensing System   Colorado Division of Real Estate

NMLS # 1768342